SCPI Command Summary
The SCPI commands supported by this programmable power supply are described in the tables in the remainder of this section. These tables use the following column headings:
•Function The commonly used name for the function.
•SCPI Command The full command in long form.
•Description Explains what the command does or what is affected by it.
•Query? Indicates whether the unit supports a query version of the listed command. N/A indicates Not applicable. (The command has no query form and will respond with an error if queried.)
Table A-1 IEEE 488.2 Commands
| Parameter and |
Function | SCPI Command | Description | Range | Query |
Select | *ADR | Select the power supply unit | ?<Address | Yes |
Address |
| to communicate with. |
Clear Status | *CLS | Clears all the status data |
| N/A |
| [:]STATus[<channel>]:CLEar | structures. |
Query the | *ERR | Query the Error Queue for |
Error Queue |
| the oldest error event. |
Standard | *ESE? | Query the Standard Event |
| Yes |
Event Status | [:]STATus[<channel>]:STANdard:ENABle | Status Enable register |
Enable Query |
| settings. |
Standard | *ESE | Set the Standard Event | <Enable Flags(0– | N/A |
Event Status | [:]STATus[<channel>]:STANdard:ENABle | Status Enable Register bits. | 255)> |
Enable |
| |
Standard | *ESR? | Query the Standard Event |
| Yes |
Event Status | [:]STATus[<channel>]:STANDard[:EVENt]? | Status Register (SERS). |
Register |
Query |
SCPI Command Reference