Table A-1 IEEE 488.2 Commands (Continued)
Trigger | *TRG | Trigger system |
| N/A |
*TST? | Perform unit Self Test |
| Yes | |
Query | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:TEST? | (Pass=0). |
Wait To | *WAI | Wait to continue command. |
| N/A |
Continue | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:WAIT |
Table A-2 Readback Commands
| Parameter and |
Function | SCPI Command | Description | Range | Query |
Read Output | [:]MEASure[<channel>][:SCALar]:CURRent | Measure and readback |
| Yes |
Current | [:DC]? | output current at the |
| output terminals. |
Read Output | [:]MEASure[<channel>][:SCALar][:VOLTage] | Measure and readback |
| Yes |
Voltage | [:DC]? | output voltage at the |
| output terminals. |
Read APG | [:]MEASurement | Measure and readback the |
| Yes |
Input Voltage | [:SCALar]:APRogram | voltage being input to the |
| [:VOLTage][:DC]? | non isolated voltage analog |
| programming input pin. |
Read Isolated | [:]MEASurement | Measure and readback the |
| Yes |
APG Input | [:SCALar]:APRogram | voltage being input to the |
Voltage | [:VOLTage]:ISOLated | isolated voltage analog |
| [:DC]? | programming input pin. |
Read APG | [:]MEASurement | Measure and readback the |
| Yes |
Input Voltage | [:SCALar]:APRogram | voltage being input to the |
| :CURRent[:DC]? | non isolated current analog |
| programming input pin. |
Read APG | [:]MEASurement | Measure and readback the |
| Yes |
Input Voltage | [:SCALar]:APRogram | voltage being input to the |
| :CURRent:ISOLated | isolated current analog |
| [:DC]? | programming input pin. |
SCPI Command Reference