Table A-4 SCPI Commands for Calibration (Continued)
Calibrate the | [:]CALibration[<channel>]:MONitor | Calibrate the isolated | ? <NR1> | Yes |
Voltage | :CURRent:ISOLated | current monitor signal | <nothing for |
controlled |
| system. | interactive mode> |
Isolated |
Current APG |
feature |
Calibrate the | [:]CALibration:INPut | Calibrates the isolated and | <?NR1> | Yes |
Voltage APG | :ANALog[:VOLTage] |
| |
Input |
| measurement commands. |
Calibrate the | [:]CALibration:INPut | Calibrates the isolated and | <?NR1> | Yes |
Current APG | :ANALog:CURRent |
| |
Input |
| measurement commands. |
Calibrate the | [:]CALibration[<channel>]:OUTPut | Calibrate the voltage analog | ? <NR1> | Yes |
Voltage | :ANALog[:VOLTage] | programming system. | <nothing for |
controlled |
| interactive mode> |
Non Isolated |
Voltage APG |
feature |
Calibrate the | [:]CALibration[<channel>]:OUTPut | Calibrates the voltage | ? <NR1> | Yes |
Voltage | :ANALog[:VOLTage]:ISOLated | analog programming | <nothing for |
controlled |
| system. | interactive mode> |
Isolated |
Voltage APG |
feature |
Calibrate the | [:]CALibration[<channel>]:OUTPut | Calibrate the current analog | ? <NR1> | Yes |
Voltage | :ANALog:CURRent | programming system. | <nothing for |
controlled |
| interactive mode> |
Non Isolated |
Current APG |
feature |
SPCI Command Tree