Table A-10 Status Commands (Continued)
Set | [:]STATus[<channel>]:QUEStionable | Access the Questionable | ?<Transition Flags | Yes |
Questionable | :VOLTage:NTRansition | Voltage Negative Trans | - |
Status Voltage |
| Filter Register. |
Negative |
| See Table |
Transition |
| 45. |
Register |
Set | [:]STATus[<channel>]:QUEStionable | Access the Questionable | ?<Transition Flags | Yes |
Questionable | :VOLTage:PTRansition | Voltage Positive Trans Filter | - |
Status Voltage |
| Register. |
Positive |
| See Table |
Transition |
| 45. |
Register |
Query the | [:]STATus[<channel>]:STANdard[:EVENt]? | See Table | Query the Standard | Yes |
Standard |
| 32. Same as *ESR. | Event Status |
Event register |
| Register (SERS). |
(ESR?) |
Enable the | [:]STATus[<channel>]:STANdard:ENABle | Access the Standard Event | ?<Enable Flags - (0 | Yes |
Standard |
| Status Register (SERS) |
| |
Event register |
| Enable Flags. |
(*ESE,*ESE? |
| See Table |
) |
| 32. Same as *ESE. |
Query the | [:]STATus[<channel>]:SBYTe[:EVENt]? | Query the Status Byte. |
| Yes |
Status Byte |
| See Table |
(*STB) |
| 32. |
Service | [:]STATus[<channel>]:SREQuest:ENABle | Access Service Request | ?<Enable Flags - (0 | Yes |
Request |
| Enable Command. |
| |
Enable |
(*SRE,*SRE |
?) |
| [:]STATus[<channel>]:CLEar | Clears all the Status Data |
| Structures. |
SPCI Command Tree