Table A-9 System Commands
| Parameter and |
Function | SCPI Command | Description | Range | Query |
Set the menu | [:]SYSTem:FPANel[:TIMeout] | Sets the menu system | Yes | |
system |
| timeout. | place seconds> |
timeout |
Resets the | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:RESet | Resets all values to default |
| N/A |
Instrument to |
| state (excluding calibration |
default |
| data). |
values. |
Wait to | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:WAIT | Wait to continue command. |
| N/A |
Continue |
Self Test | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:TEST? | Perform unit Self test, |
| Yes |
| returns 0 if pass, non zero |
| value for failure. |
ID Query | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:IDENtify | Query device ID string. |
| Yes |
Save User | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:SAVE | Save the user preset values. | <Setting Index | No |
Preset |
| Select any slot from |
| |
Recall User | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:RECall | Load the user preset | <Setting Index | No |
Preset |
| values. Select any slot from |
| |
(previously |
| |
saved) |
Query System | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:ERRor[:NEXT]? | Returns the next error in |
| Yes |
Error |
| the instrument’s error |
| queue |
Query System | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:ERRor:CODE[:NEXT] | Returns the error code only |
| Yes |
Error Code | ? | for the next error in the |
| instrument’s error queue. |
SPCI Command Tree