Table A-3 SCPI Commands for Output Control
| Parameter and |
Function | SCPI Command | Description | Range | Query |
Set Current | [[:]]SOURce[<channel>]]:COMBine:CSHare[: | Set the XG to operate in the | ?MASTer | Yes |
Sharing Mode | MODE] | current share master or slave | SLAVe |
| mode. If only a single unit is |
| being used it should be set to |
| master. |
Set Output | [[:]SOURce[<channel>]]:COMBine:CSHare | Sets the output latches for | ?<alarm sum of | Yes |
latches for the | [:MODE] | the alarms. | latch flags> |
alarms |
Set | [[:]SOURce[<channel>]]:CURRent[:LEVel] | Set current set point | ?<Current Set | Yes |
(Immediate) | [:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] | (immediate) | Point>MAXimum |
Current Set |
| MINimum |
point |
Set | [[:]SOURce[<channel>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel] | Change voltage set point | ?<Voltage Set | Yes |
(Immediate) | [:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] | (immediate) | Point>MAXimum |
Voltage Set |
| MINimum |
point |
Set Over | [[:]SOURce[<channel>]]:VOLTage:PROTect | Set the over voltage | ?<OVP Set | Yes |
Voltage | ion[:OVERvoltage][:LEVel] | protection level. | Point>MAXimum |
Protection |
| MINimum |
Level |
Set Under | [[:]SOURce[<channel>]]:VOLTage:PROTect | Set the under voltage | ?<UVP Set | Yes |
Voltage | ion:UNDer[:LEVel] | protection level. | Point>MAXimum |
Protection |
| MINimum |
Level |
SPCI Command Tree