Loading Paper
Loading Paper
This section includes:
■Loading Paper in Tray 1 on page
■Loading Paper in Tray 2, 3, or 4 on page
Loading Paper in Tray 1
Use Tray 1 for a wide range of media including:
■Plain paper, letterhead, colored paper, and preprinted paper
■Card stock
■Specialty media (including business cards, photo paper, postcards,
■Custom size paper
See also:
Paper Sizes and Weights for Tray 1 on page 3-7
Note: If you change the paper in Tray 1, select the correct paper type and size on the control panel.
The media capacity for Tray 1 is:
■100 sheets of plain paper (20 lb. Bond)
■50 sheets of transparencies or card stock
■10 envelopes or sheets of labels
Phaser® 8510/8560MFP Multifunction Product