5-2-2 Add/Edit Graphics Watermark dialogs
Clicking the Add button under the Graphics group in the Watermark Options dialog brings up the Add Graphic Watermark dialog and clicking the Edit button brings up the Edit Graphic Watermark.
Preview area
Displays the path name of the bitmap watermark.
For Add Graphic Watermark dialog, you have to specify the path name of the bitmap to be included as the watermark. You may want to use the Browse button to help you in your selection of a bitmap.
Displays the name of the selected watermark. You can name a new watermark or rename an existing one here. For Add Text Watermark dialog, the name that appears here will first be the text entered in the Text box. You can change it otherwise. The name entered should not exceed 16 characters.
Browse button
Brings up a common file selection dialog where you can browse for a bitmap.
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