Chapter 27 Application Patrol

Table 114 Application Edit (continued)




This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific condition.


Note: The ZyWALL checks conditions in the order they appear in


the list. While this sequence does not affect the functionality,


you might improve the performance of the ZyWALL by putting


more common conditions at the top of the list.




This field displays the specific port number to which this policy applies.




This is the schedule that defines when the policy applies. any means the policy is


active at all times if enabled.




This is the user name or user group to which the policy applies. If any displays, the


policy applies to all users.




This is the source zone of the traffic to which this policy applies.




This is the destination zone of the traffic to which this policy applies.




This is the source address or address group for whom this policy applies. If any


displays, the policy is effective for every source.




This is the destination address or address group for whom this policy applies. If any


displays, the policy is effective for every destination.




This field displays what the ZyWALL does with packets for this application that


match this policy.


forward - the ZyWALL routes the packets for this application.


Drop - the ZyWALL does not route the packets for this application and does not


notify the client of its decision.


Reject - the ZyWALL does not route the packets for this application and notifies the


client of its decision.




These fields show the amount of bandwidth the application’s traffic that matches


the policy can use. These fields only apply when Access is set to forward.


In - This is how much inbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second, this policy allows


the application to use. Inbound refers to the traffic the ZyWALL sends to a


connection’s initiator. If no displays here, this policy does not apply bandwidth


management for the application’s incoming traffic.


Out - This is how much outbound bandwidth, in kilobits per second, this policy


allows the application to use. Outbound refers to the traffic the ZyWALL sends out


from a connection’s initiator. If no displays here, this policy does not apply


bandwidth management for the application’s outgoing traffic.


Pri - This is the priority for this application’s traffic that matches this policy. The


smaller the number, the higher the priority. The traffic of an application with higher


priority is given bandwidth before traffic of an application with lower priority. The


ZyWALL ignores this number if the incoming and outgoing limits are both set to 0.


In this case the traffic is automatically treated as being set to the lowest priority (7)


regardless of this field’s configuration.




This field shows whether the ZyWALL generates a log (log), a log and alert (log


alert) or neither (no) when the application’s traffic matches this policy.



ZyWALL USG 1000 User’s Guide