
and virtual servers 268 FTP 265

H.323 265, 266 peer-to-peer calls 268 RTP 266

See also VoIP pass through. 265 SIP 265, 267

SIP timeout 268 answer rings 610


trial service activation 167 updating signatures 171

Anti-virus prerequisites 120

anti-virus 403

alert message 707 alerts 409

black list 411, 413 bypass black list 409 bypass white list 409 EICAR 411

file decompression 409 firmware package blocking 410 log options 409

packet scan 404, 707, 709 priority 407

real-time alert message 709 registration status 407 scanner types 404 signatures 413

statistics 642 virus 403 virus types 403 white list 411, 412

Windows 98/Me requirements 709 worm 403

anti-virus scan packet types 405 Apache server 457, 458


port scanning 451

Application Layer Gateway. See ALG.

application patrol 165, 379 actions 380

and firewall 379

and HTTP redirect 261 bandwidth management 380 bandwidth management behavior 382 bandwidth management examples 384 bandwidth statistics 400 classification 379

configuration overview 119 configured rate effect 383 exceptions 380 interface’s bandwidth 385

maximize bandwidth usage 382, 383, 395, 399 over allotment of bandwidth 384

port-base 380

port-less 379 prerequisites 119 priority 384 priority effect 383 protocol statistics 400 registration status 389 statistics 399 unidentified applications 388 vs firewall 278

applications 60


updating signatures 173 AppPatrol, See application patrol. 173 ASCII-encoding 457

asymmetrical routes 283 vs virtual interfaces 283

asymmetrical routes (firewall) 284 AT command strings 609

authentication LDAP/AD 531

authentication algorithms 236, 307, 308 and active protocol 307

and routing protocols 236 MD5 236, 308

SHA1 308 text 236

Authentication Header. See AH. authentication method 532

authentication methods 541, 542 and AAA servers 541

and IKE SA 541 and users 504 and WWW 541, 592 where used 122

authentication objects create 542 example 543

Authentication, Authorization, Accounting servers. See AAA servers.

AUX port 609

auxiliary interface 179, 215, 609 when used 215


backdoor 428

backup configuration files 618

bad-length-options 458


usage statistics 400 bandwidth management 379



ZyWALL USG 1000 User’s Guide