SSH 600
and address groups 602 and address objects 602 and certificates 602 and zones 602
client requirements 601 encryption methods 601 for secure Telnet 602
how connection is established 600 versions 601
with Linux 603
with Microsoft Windows 602
SSL 326, 588 certificates 332 computer names 326
remote user login 332 remote user logout 335 user screen bookmarks 335 user screens 331, 334
user screens access methods 331 user screens certificates 332 user screens login 332
user screens logout 335
user screens required information 332 user screens system requirements 331 WINS 326
SSL application edit 568
SSL application object 567 add 568
file sharing 567
file sharing application 570 remote user screen links 567 summary 567
types 567
SSL connection monitor 326
SSL policy 323 add 325 edit 325 objects used 323
stac compression 565 starting the ZyWALL 55
and synchronization (device HA) 500 if errors 617
and interfaces 234 and OSPF 239 and RIP 235 configuration overview 118 metric 234 prerequisites 118
status bar 72
warning message popup 72 stopping the ZyWALL 55
streaming protocols managing 165, 379
strict source routing 434
and VoIP pass through 265
subscription services 165
and synchronization (device HA) 500 AppPatrol 165
content filtering 166
content filtering. See also content filtering. IDP 165
new IDP or AppPatrol signatures 166 SSL VPN 166
SSL VPN. See also SSL VPN. status 168, 389, 407
trial service activation 167 upgrading 169
Supporting Disk 4 SYN flood 453
synchronization 500
and subscription services 500 information synchronized 500 password 501
port number 501 restrictions 500
syntax conventions 5 syslog servers. See logs. system log. See logs. system name 158
system protect updating signatures 175
system reports. See reports. system uptime 158
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ZyWALL USG 1000 User’s Guide | |