
Incr (divide-by)10 key, 64 Incr Set key, 64

Incr x10 key, 64 increment

changing setting, 64 information bits, 264, 269 Input

oscilloscope filters, 121 input

analyzer, 213

audio, 600 ohm impedance, 190 audio, floating, 190

audio, grounded, 190 coupling, 196 gain, 200

RF, 201

spectrum analyzer, 213 types of, 185

Input Atten field

CDMA Analyzer screen, 161 Instrument Configure screen,


RF Analyzer screen, 200 Spectrum Analyzer screen, 200

input attenuation automatic control, 200 manual control, 200 setting, 200

input attenuator oscilloscope, 199, 200 spectrum analyzer, 199, 200

Input Gain field

AF Analyzer screen, 200 input impedance

selecting, 284 Input Level field

Signaling Decoder screen, AMPS-TACS mode, 266

Signaling Decoder screen, NAMP-NTAC mode, 266

Input Port field

CDMA Analyzer screen, 161 Code Domain Analyzer screen,


Instrument Configure screen, 201

RF Analyzer screen, 201 Spectrum Analyzer screen, 201

insertion loss measurements discrete frequency, 87 swept, 89

Inst Config key, 43 Inst Echo field

I/O Configure screen, 237 Instrument Configure screen

Antenna In field, 227 Base Freq field, 228

Beeper field, 225, 228 Chan Space field, 229 Date field, 225, 232 Duplex Out field, 232 Ext Ref In field, 233 Firmware field, 233

Frame Clock Output field, 234 (Gen)-(Anl) field, 235

Input Atten field, 200 Input Port field, 201 Notch Coupl field, 240 Range Hold field, 242 Ref Select field, 243 RF Chan Std field, 244 RF Display field, 245 RF Gen Volts field, 245 RF In/Out field, 246

RF Level Offset field, 246 Time field, 225

User Def Base Freq field, 228 interactions

encoder/decoder, 253 high-power/low-power

measurements, 221 Range Hold and other fields,


RF generator/analyzer, RF offset, 247

twist and pre-emphasis,279 Internal field

Oscilloscope screen, 201 inverted data, 272


CW RF path, 155

IQ Constellation Diagram, 149 IQ modulator, 155

IQ RFOUT connector, 155


JTACS channel standard, 244 JTACS signaling encoder/decoder,



k1 through k5 keys, 73 k1’ through k3’ keys, 73 keyboard

external, 248 keys

%, 44

%delta, 44 +/-,48 AF Anl, 43 Assign, 74 Avg, 68 CDMA Anl, 43

CDMA Gen, 43

Code Dom, 43 dB, 44 dBm, 44 dBuV, 44 down-arrow,64 EEX, 48

Error Message, 43 GHz, 44

Help, 43

Hi Limit, 65 Hz, 44

I/O Config, 43

Incr (divide-by)10,64 Incr Set, 64

Incr x10, 64 Inst Config, 43 k1 through k5, 73 k1’ through k3’, 73 kHz, 44

Lo Limit, 65 Meter, 59 MHz, 44 ms, 44 mV, 44 mW, 44

On/Off, 59, 66, 67, 68, 71 ppm, 44

Printer Config, 43 Recall, 70

Ref Set, 67

Release, 74

RF Anl, 43

RF Gen, 43 s, 44 Save, 70 Scope, 43 Spec Anl, 43 up-arrow,64 uV, 44

V, 44

W, 44 kHz key, 44 knob

increment setting, 64


level ac, 57

AF analyzer, 266 data, 262

dc, 57

delta marker, 113 oscilloscope, 203

reference for spectrum analyzer, 211

supervisory audio tone, 273



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Agilent Technologies 8935 series e6380a manual 314