Thi s m ode wi ll ste am a f ull or part ial lo ad o f a s ingle p roduct, or multip le p rodu cts

without tr ans fer of fla

vors. W hen s team ing mu ltiple p roducts, h owever, ind ivid ual

product c ook ing ti mes

must be t aken in to con sid eratio n. T he n on-pressurized

atmosp her e of the Com bithe rm also p rovides t he abilit y t o o pen t he doo r dur ing t he ste am mode i n or der to moni tor p roducts m ore clo sely t hro ugh out the steaming process.


Per forated, 2 -1/2 " dee p p ans

(65m m) ar e pa rticula rly sui tabl e

for use in thi s p rogram m ode.

These pans w ill p rovi de a shor ter

cooking ti me a nd will preve nt

produc t ove r-cook ing at th



bottom of the p an.





Separate ice -enc ased vegetabl


before s tea ming to assure mo


even cook ing.






A varie ty of pr oducts can



ste amed at t he same ti me but


attention must be p aid to



different cook ing ti mes requir


for each f ood pr oduct.






But ter and sea son vegetables

after st eami ng.

Steam long-gr ain ric e using

approx imate ly 1-p art ric e to

approx imate ly 1-1 /2-p arts wa ter

or seasoned li quid.

Steam dur um wh eat n oodles in

unper for ated pa ns usi ng 1 -part

noodle s to 5-p arts cold water.


Quic k ste ami ng i s sui table

for he arty , r oot-t ype v egetables suc h a s pota toe s, l egum es, and ca bbage.

Quic k ste ami ng pr ovi des a cooki ng ti me whi ch i s

appro ximatel y 10-per cent s horter tha n the re gular ste am m ode tempe rat ure of 212 °F ( 100°C).

Set the s tea m c ook ing tempe rat ure be tween 2 21°F (105°C ) an d 2 30°F (110°C) f or sma ll l oads an d be twe en 2 30°F (110°C ) an d 2 48°F (120°C) f or full l oad s.


The l ow t emperature s team m ode will f unction w henever t he ov en compartment t emperature i s below 2 12°F ( 100°C).

Proof y east do ugh a t a temperature s etting of 90 °F t o 110°F ( 32°C t o 4 3°C) .

It w ill t ake l onger to s team products us ing t he l ow temperature s team mo de.

Steaming s ausages i n l ow temperature s team pre vents cracked or p eeling s kins .

Use lo w te mperature steam for delicate fo ods s uch a s s hrimp, fish, s eafood, a nd c rèm e c aramel.

For be st r esults, l ow t emperature steam a ll de licate f ood i tems a t a temperature o f 2 10°F ( 99°C)

or be low.


Page 14
Image 14
Alto-Shaam 1218, 1020 operation manual Steam M ODE CH EF Oper Ating Tips

1020, 1218 specifications

The Alto-Shaam 1218 and 1020 are two innovative cooking solutions designed for modern culinary environments. Renowned for their advanced features and technologies, these units are ideal for a variety of food service operations including restaurants, catering businesses, and institutional kitchens.

One of the standout characteristics of both models is the use of Halo Heat® technology. This unique heating method eliminates the need for water pans, resulting in a consistent, low-temperature cooking environment that retains moisture and enhances flavor while simplifying the cooking process. Halo Heat technology ensures that food is heated evenly, reducing the risk of overcooking or drying out, while also minimizing energy consumption compared to traditional cooking methods.

The Alto-Shaam 1218 has a larger capacity, accommodating up to 18 full-size food pans, making it suitable for high-volume cooking. In contrast, the 1020 model offers slightly less capacity but is designed for flexibility, perfect for venues with space constraints. Both models feature digital controls that provide precise temperature management, enabling chefs to set and monitor cooking times and temperatures easily.

Another key feature of these units is their versatility. They can be used for a wide range of cooking methods, including holding, slow-cooking, and even baking, allowing food service operators to maximize their kitchen efficiency. The cabinets are designed to accept optional roll-in racks, which streamline food preparation and storage processes.

Alto-Shaam also emphasizes ease of cleaning and maintenance in the design of the 1218 and 1020 models. Smooth stainless-steel surfaces and removable components make it simple to keep the units hygienic, which is crucial in professional kitchen environments.

Moreover, both models are energy-efficient, contributing to lower operational costs and a reduced environmental footprint. Their durable construction promises long-lasting performance, ensuring a solid return on investment for food service operations.

Overall, the Alto-Shaam 1218 and 1020 embody a commitment to quality, efficiency, and innovation in the culinary industry. With their advanced technologies and user-friendly features, they present a reliable choice for chefs looking to elevate their food preparation and holding capabilities.