4.Type a DLCI value between 16-1023 (defaults = 32 – data and 33 – voice), and then press ENTER.

The FR Encapsulation Configuration submenu displays.


* FR Encapsulation Configuration *


Current Encapsulation : None

1.RAW (No Encapsulation)

2.Proprietary Voice DLCI

3.RFC 1490

4.ATM RFC 1483 (Tunneling)

5.Select the encapsulation method to use. The FR DLCI Options submenu displays.


*FR DLCI Options*


1.Configure Transmit CIR

2.Configure Receive CIR

3.Configure FRF.12 Fragmentation

6.Do one of the following:

Select Configure Transmit CIR or Configure Receive CIR, and then follow the on-screen messages to set:

Committed burst size (Bc)

Circuit throughput

Excess burst size (Be)

Select Configure FRF .12 Fragmentation, and then follow the on-screen messages to:

Enable/Disable End-to-End FRF .12

Set Fragment Size

You must restart the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module for any changes to take effect. For more information on restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module, see the “Getting started” chapter.

Avaya, Inc.

- 117 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide

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Image 118
Avaya 1600 manual FR Encapsulation Configuration submenu displays