
Chapter 3, “Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone”

Describes how to properly and safely install the Cisco Unified IP


Phone on your network. Also provides procedures on how to


configure and add accessories, such as Bluetooth wireless headsets,


USB headsets, and analog wideband headsets, to the Cisco Unified


IP Phone.



Chapter 4, “Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Color

Describes how to connect and configure supported Key Expansion

Key Expansion Module”

Modules for the Cisco Unified IP Phone.



Chapter 5, “Setting Up the Cisco Unified Video

Describes how to configure the Cisco Unified Video Camera and add


it to the Cisco Unified IP Phone (Cisco Unified IP Phone 9951 and


9971 only).



Chapter 6, “Understanding the VoIP Wireless

Provides an overview and describes the setup of the wireless local


area network (WLAN), which the Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971





Chapter 7, “Configuring Settings on the Cisco

Describes how to configure network settings, verify status, and make

Unified IP Phone”

global changes to the Cisco Unified IP Phone.



Chapter 8, “Configuring Features, Templates,

Provides an overview of procedures for configuring telephony

Services, and Users”

features, configuring directories, configuring phone button and


softkey templates, setting up services, and adding users to Cisco


Unified Communications Manager.



Chapter 9, “Customizing the Cisco Unified IP

Explains how to customize phone ring sounds and the phone idle


display at your site.



Chapter 10, “Viewing Model Information, Status, and

Explains how to view model information, status messages, network

Statistics on the Cisco Unified IP Phone”

statistics, and firmware information from the Cisco Unified IP





Chapter 11, “Monitoring the Cisco Unified IP Phone

Describes the information that you can obtain from the phone’s web


page to remotely monitor the operation of a phone and to assist with





Chapter 12, “Troubleshooting and Maintenance”

Provides tips for troubleshooting the Cisco Unified IP Phone and the


Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Modules.



Appendix A, “Providing Information to Users Via a

Provides suggestions for setting up a website for providing users


with important information about their Cisco Unified IP Phones.



Appendix B, “Supporting International Users”

Provides information about setting up phones in non-English





Appendix C, “Technical Specifications”

Provides technical specifications of the Cisco Unified IP Phone.



Appendix D, “Basic Phone Administration Steps”

Provides procedures for basic administration tasks such as adding a


user and phone to Cisco Unified Communications Manager and then


associating the user to the phone.



Appendix E, “Installing the Wall Mount for the

Contains instructions for installing the wall mount for the Cisco

Cisco Unified IP Phone”

Unified IP Phone.



Appendix F, “Cisco Unified IP Phone Non-Lockable

Contains instructions for installing the Cisco Unified IP Phone

Wall Mount”

Non-Lockable Wall Mount.



Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.5 (SIP)







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