C H A P T E R 5
Troubleshooting Initial Startup Problems
Your Cisco 7201 router went through extensive testing before leaving the factory. However, if you encounter problems starting the router, use the information in this chapter to help isolate the cause of the problems. This chapter contains the following sections:
•Troubleshooting Overview, page
•Online Troubleshooting Resources, page
•Problem Solving Using a Subsystems Approach, page
•Upgrading the Boot Helper (Boot Loader) Image, page
•Boot Prompt: (boot)#, page
•ROMmon Prompt: rommon >, page
•Cleaning the
The procedures in this chapter assume that you are troubleshooting the initial system startup, and that your router is in the original factory configuration. If you have removed or replaced components or changed any default settings, the recommendations in this chapter might not apply. Make sure to review the safety warnings listed in the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco 7200 Series Routers publication that accompanied your Cisco 7201 router before using the troubleshooting procedures in this chapter.
Troubleshooting Overview
This section describes the troubleshooting methods used in this chapter and describes how the
Cisco 7201 router is divided into subsystems for more efficient problem solving. If you are unable to easily solve the problem, contact a customer service representative for assistance and further instructions.
Provide the representative with the following information:
•Date you received the router
•Chassis serial number
•Type of software and release number
•Brief description of the problem you are having
•Brief explanation of the steps you have taken to isolate and resolve the problem
•Maintenance agreement or warranty information
Cisco 7201 Installation and Configuration Guide
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