Appendix B Using the CompactFlash Disk
Working with a CompactFlash Disk
Note If you create a directory and place a file in it that you plan to access or use later on, be sure to define the entire directory path to the file as you enter the appropriate software commands.
For example, if you placed the file itsa.file into the directory daily_dir on the CompactFlash Disk in slot 0, you must designate the entire directory path as follows: disk0:daily_dir/itsa.file. Otherwise, the system might not be able to locate this file.
Using the rmdir Command
To remove a directory from the CompactFlash Disk, use the rmdir command. The following example shows how to remove the directory daily_dir from the CompactFlash Disk in slot 0, and then verify that it was removed:
System# rmdir disk0:daily_dir
Delete disk0:daily_dir? [confirm] y
Removed dir disk0:daily_dir
System# dir
Directory of disk0:/
No files in directory.
48755200 bytes total (48751104 bytes free) System#
Using the delete Command
To delete a file from a CompactFlash Disk, use the delete command. Use the dir command to find the file you want to delete, and then use the delete command to delete it.
The following example shows how to find a file (called fun1) on the CompactFlash Disk, delete the file, and then verify that it is deleted:
Step 1 Find the file you want to delete:
System# dir
Directory of disk0:/
1 drw- | 0 | May 10 1998 09:54:53 fun1 |
48755200 bytes total (48742912 bytes free)
Step 2 Delete the file fun1:
System# delete disk0:fun1
Step 3 Verify that the file fun1 is deleted:
System# dir
Directory of disk0:/
No files in directory.
48755200 bytes total (48742912 bytes free) System#
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