Introduction to SCPI

This is the command where:

INPut:EVENt is the header path and :HYSTeresis is the first leaf-node and LEVel is the second leaf node because LEVel is also a leaf-node under the header path INPut:EVENt.

￿There is no colon before LEVel!


Numeric Data

Decimal data are printed as numerical values throughout this manual. Numeric values may contain both a decimal point and an exponent (base 10).

These numerals are often represented as NRf (NR = NumeRic, f = flexible) format.


In addition to entering decimal data as numeric values, several keywords can ex- ist as special forms of numeric data, such as MINimum, MAXimum, DEFault, STEP, UP, DOWN, NAN (Not A Num- ber), INFinity, NINF (Negative INFi- nity). The Command Reference chapters explicitly specify which keywords are al- lowed by a particular command. Valid keywords for the CNT-8X counters are MAXimum and MINimum.


This keyword sets a parameter to its min- imum value.


This keyword sets a parameter to its max- imum value.

The instrument always allows MINimum and MAXimum as a data element in com- mands, where the parameter is a numeric value. MIN and MAX values of a param- eter can always be queried.



This query returns the maximum range value.


You can use suffixes to express a unit or multiplier that is associated with the deci- mal numeric data. Valid suffixes are s (seconds), ms (milliseconds), mohm (megaohm), kHz (kilohertz), mV (milli- volt).



Where: ms is the suffix for the numeric value 100.

Notice that you may also send ms as MS or mS. MS does still mean milliseconds, not Mega Siemens!

Response messages do not have suffixes. The returned value is always sent using standard units such as V, S, Hz, unless you explicitly specify a default unit by a FORMat command.

Boolean Data

A Boolean parameter specifies a single binary condition which is either true or false.

Boolean parameters can be one of the fol- lowing:

ON or 1 means condition true.

OFF or 0 means condition false.

Parameters 3-11

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Fluke PM6681R, PM6685R manual Parameters, Numeric Data, Boolean Data, Keywords, Suffixes