Getting Started

￿Listener Function, L4

The counter can receive programming in- structions from the controller. L4 means that it has the following functions:

Basic listener.

No listen only.

Automatic un-addressing as listener when addressed as a talker.

￿Service Request, SR1

The counter can call for attention from the controller, e.g., when a measurement is completed and a result is available.

￿Remote/Local, RL1

You can control the counter manually (lo- cally) from the front panel or remotely from the controller. The LLO, lo-

cal-lock-out function, can disable the LO- CAL button on the front panel.

￿Parallel Poll, PP0

The counter does not have any parallel poll facility.

￿Device Clear, DC1

The controller can reset the counter via interface message DCL (Device clear) or SDC (Selective Device Clear).

￿Device Trigger, DT1

You can start a new measurement from the controller via interface message GET (Group Execute Trigger).

￿Bus Drivers, E2

The GPIB interface has tri-state bus driv- ers.

1-6 Interface Functions

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Fluke PM6681R manual Listener Function, L4, Service Request, SR1, Remote/Local, RL1, Parallel Poll, PP0, Device Clear, DC1