

￿«<Numeric value> MIN MAX»

Delay after External Start Arming

This command sets a delay between the pulse on the arm input and the time when the counter starts measuring. The delay is only active when the following is se- lected:


Range: 200 ns to 1.67 s.

￿ The optional node [:FIXed] is only accepted by PM6681. Parameters:

<Numeric value> is a number between 200*10–9and 1.67s. MIN gives 0 which switches the delay OFF.

MAX gives 1.67 s

Returned format: <Numeric value>￿


SEND￿ :ARM:DEL ￿0.1￿

*RST condition: 0

Complies to standards:

SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.





PM6680B PM6681

:ARM :ECOunt

￿«<Numeric value> MIN MAX»

External Events before Start Arming

This command sets the number of negative edges required on the B-input (EXT2) before the counter starts measuring (Start Arming Delay by events). Start Arming delay by events cannot be used at the same time as stop Arming delay by events


￿ The delay is only active when :ARM:START:SOUR ￿EXT2EXT4 is selected. Only one of the delays: :ARM:STAR:DEL, :ARM:STOP:DEL, :ARM:STAR:ECO, and :ARM:STOP:ECO can be used at a time. When you pro- gram this delay, the other three delays will be reset to their *RST values.


<Numeric value> is a number between 2 and 16 777 215. 1 switches the delay by events OFF.


Returned format: <Numeric value>￿

*RST condition: 1

Complies to standards:

SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.

Command Reference 9-7

Page 137
Image 137
Fluke PM6681R, PM6685R ARM DELay, ARM ECOunt, Delay after External Start Arming, External Events before Start Arming