Chapter 2 | ( SRS | |
Receiving Handsfree Calls |
| (See also "Handsfree, Handset, |
| and Headset Modes", in Chapter |
A handsfree call uses the |
| 3, "Local Features".) |
integrated microphone and |
speaker instead of the handset. |
An incoming call makes the |
| If you are already talking on |
phone ring and the Call |
| another call |
Appearance's LED flash green. |
| 1. Dispose of the active call in one |
| of the following ways: |
If you are not talking on |
another call |
| a. End the call by pressing |
| SPEAKER. Then press |
1. Press SPEAKER and, if |
| SPEAKER and, if necessary, |
necessary, the |
| press the |
Call Appearance button. |
| Appearance button to answer |
| the incoming call. |
2. Converse with the calling party. |
| or |
(If the |
| |
| |
microphone has been turned off. |
| b. Retain the call by pressing the |
Press |
| |
on.) |
| Appearance button to answer |
| the incoming call. (The first |
You can turn off the microphone |
| call is automatically put on |
by pressing the |
| hold.) |
button; its LED will turn red. No |
sound will then be transmitted |
| 2. Converse with the calling party. |
to the called party, allowing you |
| (If the |
to have a private conversation |
| microphone has been turned off. |
with others in the room. To turn |
| Press |
the microphone back on, press |
| on.) You can turn off the |
| microphone by pressing the | |
go dark. |
| |
| turn red. No sound will then be |
3. When your conversation ends, |
| transmitted to the called party, |
hang up by pressing SPEAKER. |
| allowing you to have a private |
Note the call duration; it |
| conversation with others in the |
vanishes after about three |
| room. To turn the microphone |
seconds. |
| back on, press |
or |
| its red LED will go dark. |
| |
Press DROP. ⎪(5ESS⎪ |