Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference

Temperature Configuration Commands

[SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer :TCouple:CHECk {OFFON}[,(@<ch_list>)] :TCouple:CHECk? [(@<ch_list>)]

Disable or enable the thermocouple check feature to verify that your thermocouples are properly connected to the screw terminals for measurements. If you enable this feature, the instrument measures the channel resistance after each thermocouple measurement to ensure a proper connection. If an open connection is detected (greater than 5 kΩ on the 10 kΩ range), the instrument reports an overload condition for that channel. The default is “OFF”. The :CHEC? query returns the thermocouple check setting. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON).

[SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple :RJUNction {<temperature>MINMAX}[,(@<ch_list>)] :RJUNction? [(@<ch_list>)]

Set the fixed reference junction temperature for thermocouple measurements on the specified channels. Specify a temperature between -20 °C and +80 °C (always specify the temperature in °C regardless of the temperature units selected). The default is 0 °C. The :RJUN? query returns the fixed junction temperature (in °C) currently selected. MIN selects -20 °C. MAX selects +80 °C.

[SENSe:]TEMPerature:RJUNction? [(@<ch _list>)]


Query the internal reference junction temperature on the specified channels (useful only for an internal reference source). Returns the reference temperature in °C regardless of the temperature units currently selected. Returns a number in the form “+2.89753100E+01”.