


}“ 98D

6 }”y 98D y}} }” }4 BE8 yy”}4 ” y FD Qo[4 ”y”} 4 BBE

“B” (Mx+B scaling offset), 119 backplane relays, 164, 166, 276, 383 bandwidth (ac)

ac current, 116 ac voltage, 114

vs. channel delays, 89 bank switch, 164, 166, 176, 383 battery life, 408

baud rate (RS-232) factory setting, 47, 152 selecting, 47, 152

BBM switching, 378

BenchLink Data Logger Software creating floppy disks, 19 installation, 18, 19

on-line help, 19 software overview, 6 system specifications, 412

bias current, dc loading errors, 358 binary format, digital read, 42, 133 bits, vs. integration time, 103, 203 block diagram

HP 34970A, 53 internal DMM, 60

BNC cable kits HP 34905A, 173 HP 34906A, 173

boolean parameters, 300 braces ({ }), syntax, 73, 181 brackets ([ ]), syntax, 73, 181 break-before-make switching, 378 bridge, strain gage, 375 buffering triggers, 83 bumpers, removing, 30

burden voltage, 368

C and C++ example programs, 328 cable kits (SMB-to-BNC)

HP 34905A, 173

HP 34906A, 173 cable tie, wiring, 20 cabling

attenuation, 336 capacitance, 336 coaxial, 55

dielectric withstand voltage, 335 errors, 339

flat ribbon, 55

nominal impedance, 335 resistance, 336 RS-232, 17, 51, 273 shielded coaxial, 338 shielding, 338 specifications, 335 twisted pair, 55, 338 types, 55

wire gauge size, 336 calculation error, thermocouple, 353 CALC:AVER command, 92 CALC:AVER:AVER? command, 234 CALC:AVER:CLEar? command, 234 CALC:AVER:COUNt? command, 234 CALC:AVER:MAX:TIME? command, 233 CALC:AVER:MAX? command, 233 CALC:AVER:MIN:TIME? command, 233 CALC:AVER:MIN? command, 233 CALC:AVER:PTPeak? command, 234 CALC:COMP:DATA command, 253 CALC:COMP:MASK command, 254 CALC:COMP:STATe command, 254 CALC:COMP:TYPE command, 253 CALC:LIM:LOW command, 251 CALC:LIM:LOW:STATe command, 251 CALC:LIM:UPP command, 250 CALC:LIM:UPP:STATe command, 250 CALC:SCALe:GAIN command, 245 CALC:SCALe:OFFS command, 245 CALC:SCALe:OFFS:NULL command, 246 CALC:SCALe:STATe command, 246 CALC:SCALe:UNIT command, 245


factory setting, 145 setting, 22, 145

calibration certificate, 17 calibration

overview, 155 read count, 159 security code, 155 text message, 158 to secure, 157

to unsecure, 156

CAL:COUNt? command, 292 CAL:SECure:CODE command, 292 CAL:SECure:STATe command, 293 CAL:STRing command, 293 CAL:VALue command, 293

CAL? command, 292

capacitance, cable,


capacitive coupling,

338, 381

h x

key, 26


carrying handle








celsius, setting units, 106

Channel Advance (external scanning) connector, 5

operation, 96

Channel Closed (external scanning) connector, 5

operation, 96 channel configuration

copying, 25 front panel, 23

channel delay automatic, 89 default values, 88 defined, 88 settings, 88

parameters, 301

channel list

building from front panel, 78 building from remote, 79 examples, 73, 181

rules, 73, 181

channel number, with readings, 87 channel numbering, 23


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HP 34970A manual Index