Chapter 8 Tutorial

Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching

p w

iqx° °uqu°u yw u RZ 9:A67I q RZ 9:A68I °””uuyu qu°uu sxq qyut y ytuuu uw u rq“ 4

Oyu °uqu°u2 u y°qq”” qyqu”




y sxqu”

98 .9:A67I/

F .9:A68I/ ytu su q


uu sus uq°2 °q“u u

sus u


q VY °y sxqu” 8 qt u


sus u

RS qt

VY °y sxqu” 784




To DMM Source

Channel 1 Source

Bank Relay

Channel 2 Source

To DMM Sense

Channel 11 Sense


Channel 12 Sense

Note: If any channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot close multiple channels; closing one channel will open the previously closed channel.

gxu °q“yw q :3uqu°uu su wx u

sus vq” wx y ruyw

°uqut4 d u”y°yq u ”uqt uqsu2 q uqq susyu ut q u”4

HI +


R Sense




Page 376
Image 376
HP 34970A manual HI + Source Sense