Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference

Alarm System Overview

Digital I/O Alarm Commands


See also “Using Alarms With the Multifunction Module” in chapter 4


starting on page 130.




:COMPare:TYPE {EQUalNEQual}[,(@<ch_list>)]


:COMPare:TYPE? [(@<ch_list>)]


Select the comparison mode for alarms on the specified DIO channels.


Select EQUal to generate an alarm when the data read from the port is


equal to CALC:COMP:DATA after being masked by CALC:COMP:MASK.


Select NEQual (not equal) to generate an alarm when the data read


from the port is not equal to CALC:COMP:DATA after being masked by


CALC:COMP:MASK. The default is “NEQual”. The digital input channels


are numbered “s01” (LSB) and “s02” (MSB), where s represents the slot.


The :TYPE? query returns the comparison mode setting on the specified


DIO channels. Returns “EQU” or “NEQ”.




:COMPare:DATA <data>[,(@<ch_list>)]
:COMPare:DATA? [(@<ch_list>)]

Specify the digital pattern for comparisons on the specified DIO channels. You must specify the digital pattern as a decimal value between 0 and 255 (binary data is not accepted). The digital input channels are numbered “s01” (LSB) and “s02” (MSB), where s represents the slot number. The :DATA? query returns the comparison pattern as a decimal value.