Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference

Totalizer Commands




TOTalize:SLOPe {NEGativePOSitive}[,(@<x


TOTalize:SLOPe? [(@<x



Configure the totalizer to count on the rising edge (default; positive) or falling edge (negative) of the input signal. The totalizer channel is numbered 03”, where represents the slot number. The :SLOP? query returns the edge selection. Returns “NEG” or “POS”.

[SENSe:]TOTalize:CLEar:IMMediate [(@<x



Immediately clear the count on the specified totalizer channels.


The totalizer channel is numbered

03”, where is the slot number.


[SENSe:]TOTalize:DATA? [(@<x




Read the count on the specified totalizer channels. If you have selected


the RRESet parameter in the TOT:TYPE command, then the TOT:DATA?


command will reset the count to “0” after it is read. The count is reset


regardless of whether the specified channels are in the scan list or even



whether a scan is in progress. The maximum count is 67,108,863 (226-1).


The count rolls over to “0” after reaching the maximum allowed value.


The output from this command is affected by the FORMat:READing


commands (see “Reading Format Commands” on page 231).




Page 255
Image 255
HP 34970A SENSe TOTalizeSLOPe NEGativePOSitive,@x TOTalizeSLOPe? @x, SENSeTOTalizeCLEarIMMediate @x, SENSeTOTalizeDATA? @x