Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference

Scanning Overview




:CHANnel:DELay:AUTO {OFFON}[,(@<x


:CHANnel:DELay:AUTO? [(@<x



Disable or enable an automatic channel delay on the specified channels. If enabled, the delay is determined by the function, range, integration time, and ac filter setting (see “Automatic Channel Delays,” on page 89). Selecting a specific channel delay (using the ROUT:CHAN:DELay command) disables the automatic channel delay. The :AUTO? query returns the automatic channel delay setting. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON).


Abort a scan in progress.


Change the state of the triggering system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Scanning will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied following the receipt of the INITiate command. The readings are placed in the instrument’s internal reading memory (up to 50,000 readings can be stored; if memory fills, new readings will

overwrite the first readings stored). Readings vz zy in memory until you are able to retrieve them. Use the FETCh? command to retrieve reading results.


Change the state of the triggering system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Scanning will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied following the receipt of the READ? command.

Readings are then sent

to the instrument’s output buffer.


then enter the readings into your computer or the instrument

will stop scanning when the output buffer becomes full. Readings vz stored in the instrument’s internal memory when using READ?.


Trigger the instrument from the remote interface.


Page 228
Image 228
HP 34970A manual ROUTe CHANnelDELayAUTO OFFON,@x CHANnelDELayAUTO? @x, ABORt, INITiate