concept 5
configuring 39, 183, 184 creating 39
deleting 184 description 39 exporting 184
FTP repository wizard 39 FTP server support 13 importing 185
importing an element (snapin) 52 listing FTP servers 186, 187 relay FTP server 51, 54 repository management 51 snapins 138
software components (XPe) 166 transferring elements 51
repository management 51 importing an element (snapin) 52 snapins 138
software components (XPe) 166 repository management tool 51 resending tasks 106
results template 108 router configuration 33
S search
for device in device tree 86 toolbar button 86
search device dialog 86 security ID for XPe device 152 sequence template 96
server repository description 39 settings templates display 123 network 122
time 124 write filter 125
shadow device template 91 shadowing devices 91
VNC viewer 92 shutdown device 93 shutdown device template 93
snapins 137
applying to devices 138 importing into repository 52 introduction 137 obtaining 138
repository management 138 snapin template 142
software components (XPe) adding to repository 166 installing 166, 169
software update templates snapin 142
software component (XPe) 169 software updates 7
status bar concept 6 overview 44
status snapshot 114 status walker 109, 194 subnet
address alias 211 listing FTP servers 187
summary pane 6 system requirements 12
agents 13 FTP server 13 Management Console 12 Management Gateway 13 Management Server 12 network 14
task pane concept 6 overview 44
task parameters 191, 193 task report
printing 90 task settings 193 task templates agent 175
configure agent 175 update agent 176
categories 94