Getting Started
Adding Elements to the Repository
This section describes how elements are added to the HP Manage- ment Repository so that they are available for applying to client devices. You must have configured an FTP Repository using the FTP Repository Wizard before you can add elements to it (refer to the section “Configuring the Repository” on page 39 for details).
The HP Management Repository actually resides over several serv- ers, these being the HP Management Server Repository (the "Server Repository") and one or more FTP Server Repositories (the "FTP Repository"). The Repository Management tool is used to import elements into the Server Repository and then transfer them to the relevant FTP Repository. An element must be transferred to an FTP Repository before it can be applied to clients.
Note: When importing an element into the HP Management Repository, a relay FTP server must be selected to temporarily hold the element, which is then automatically transferred to the Server Repository.
The Repository Management tool is displayed by selecting Tools > Repository Management from the Management Console’s menu bar. The following section describes how to use it to import an element into the Server Repository, then transfer it to an FTP Repository.
Elements created through the Console using a template (for exam- ple, an image file), are placed in the FTP Repository specified in the template. If you want the element to be available in another FTP Repository, you first need to transfer it to the Server Repository using the Repository Management tool’s Download button, then transfer the element from the Server Repository to the other FTP Repository using the Upload button.
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