Using the HP Management Console
Table 4: Management Console - Menu Items
Menu | Item | Description |
View | Edit Grouping | Sort the device list using customized proper- |
| Scheme | ties according to the actual requirements. |
| See “Grouping Devices” on page 71 for more |
| information. |
| Search Device | Search for a device in the Device Tree accord- |
| Tree | ing to the IP address, host name and device |
| IDs. This option is very useful in a network |
| containing a large number of devices. |
| Device Filter | Configure the device filters so as to filter the |
| devices when the Management Console is |
| sending tasks. As a result, only the required |
| devices can receive and perform the task. |
| Refresh | Contact the Management Server to refresh the |
| status of the console. |
Tools | Configuration | Configure settings related to FTP servers, IP |
| search scopes, system |
| gateway polling and extension properties. |
| See “Configuring the Repository” on page 39 |
| for more details. |
| User | Configure user accounts and user groups for |
| Management | the console. |
| See “User Management” on page 177 for |
| more information. |
| Repository | Control the elements (such as images and |
| Management | software components) that are stored on the |
| Management Server repository and the FTP |
| server repositories. |
| See “Configuring the Repository” on page 39 |
| for more details. |
| Report | Manage the reports of the Devices and the |
| Management | Tasks so that the user can get the required |
| reports according to the customized condi- |
| tions. |