Figure 3 HP SMH: Set WBEM Credentials page
On this page, you can set one user name and password combination for all virtual machines, or you can set them individually for one or more virtual machines. If you set the credentials for some but not all of the individual systems, VM Manager does not collect utilization data and operating system information for the excluded systems.
You can also save the user name and password entries in obscured format in the file system. This allows you to use the same setting each time you enter VM Manager through HP SMH. To save these entries, select the Save user name and password settings in the file system check box, and then click OK. This information is obfuscated before being stored.
If you do not want to provide this security information for the current session, click Cancel. VM Manager continues without collecting this data. If you do not want to provide this additional data for subsequent uses of VM Manager, and you do not want to be prompted for it on each entry into VM Manager, make sure all entries on the page are blank, select the check box to save the credentials to file, and click OK. Empty credentials are stored, and this prevents the WBEM credentials page from being displayed on subsequent entries into VM Manager.
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