The connections are color coded to help identify interconnected elements.
NOTE: The actual colors shown do not imply any specific meaning. The colors are provided to help you understand the connections from virtual to physical devices.
Focus links
Clicking a Focus link simplifies the display by showing only the item that was clicked and the elements that are directly attached to it:
•Focusing on a virtual machine shows the virtual storage interfaces in the virtual machine and all the logical storage devices, physical interface cards, and devices that back them.
•Focusing on a virtual storage interface is like focusing on a virtual machine, except that only the selected virtual storage interface and its connections are shown; all others are hidden.
•Focusing on a logical storage device shows all of the virtual storage devices and all of the physical storage interface cards and devices connected to it.
•Focusing on a physical storage interface card shows only the physical devices attached to the card, the logical storage devices connected to the physical device, and the virtual storage devices connected to those logical storage devices.
•Focusing on a physical storage device shows only the logical and virtual devices using that physical storage. This might reduce the number of devices shown, depending on how many virtual devices and virtual machines are connected to the physical storage device.
•In a focused view, the presence of additional devices or connections is shown by either an ellipsis, or a solid line becoming a dotted line.
•To view all the storage devices again, use the Show All link.
Dotted lines
The black vertical dotted line indicates the boundary between the virtual and physical devices.
A colored vertical dotted line indicates devices are present but not associated with the indicated virtual machine. For example, a