6The Modify button in the Remote console column allows you to modify the configuration details of the remote console for a guest virtual machine.
For more information, see “Modifying remote console” (page 55)
7The Delete button in the Remote console column allows you to delete the remote console for a guest virtual machine.
For more information, see “Delete remote console” (page 56)
Virtual console and remote console
The virtual console and the remote console terminals are similar in their functionality. They are different ways of accessing and managing the virtual machines. A virtual console terminal is used by an administrator to manage all the virtual machines within the host machine. A remote console terminal is used to access a specific guest virtual machine. You can create a remote console for a guest by setting an IP address for the same. A typical scenario in which the remote console is used is when a user has access only to a specific virtual machine and is not allowed to manage other virtual machines within the host.
Virtual console
The virtual console is a terminal from which you can manage all the virtual machines within a host.
To start the virtual console of a virtual machine:
Click Start in the Virtual console column against the virtual machine for which you want to start the virtual console terminal. The virtual console terminal opens as a new screen, as shown in