•The disk, where the installation target directory resides, has enough space to hold all the HPSS packages to be installed on this node.
•WARNING: Do not use NFS mounted directories for installing nor allocating space for HPSS related components. Installing on NFS is problematic and the errors can be difficult to diagnose.
5.2. Install Prerequisite Software
This section provides an overview of how to install the prerequisite software to prepare for the upcoming HPSS configuration. Verify that the correct software versions are obtained as described in Section 3.3.1: Prerequisite Software Overview on page 58.
5.2.1. Install Java
Java is required to compile HPSS software. It is also required to run the SSM Graphical User Interface (hpssgui), the SSM Command Line Interface (hpssadm) and the mkhpss tool. If the site needs to compile the HPSS code, the Java Software Development Kit (SDK) must be installed. To run HPSS applications, either the Java SDK or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.
It is recommended that the Java SDK component be installed on the machines where HPSS code is to be compiled and on the machine where mkhpss will be running. Also, the JRE component should be installed on each SSM client machine. This is to enable the hpssgui application to run directly on the client machine to maximize hpssgui performance and to eliminate the X traffic on the HPSS server machine.
See Section Java on page 59 to obtain the download website. Follow the installation instructions provided on the website to install Java. Be sure that all Java's prerequisite requirements are met before installing the product.
5.2.2. Install MIT Kerberos (If Using Kerberos Authentication)
The capability to use MIT Kerberos authentication is provided in HPSS 6.2, however, IBM Service Agreements for HPSS do not provide support for defects in MIT Kerberos. Kerberos maintenance/support must be
For Linux, Kerberos is included in the Operating System and does not need to be installed.
For AIX, download the Kerberos 1.4.2 source from http://web.mit.edu/kerberos. Extract the source tree into the desired location; the recommended location is /usr/local. Under the newly extracted tree go to
>make install
MIT Kerberos will be installed in the configured directory.
5.2.3. Install LDAP (If Using LDAP Authorization)
LDAP authorization is not supported by IBM Service Agreements. The following information is provided for sites planning to use LDAP authorization with HPSS 6.2 as a site supported feature.
HPSS Installation Guide | July 2008 |
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) | 137 |