PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza Example:
;PFTP Client Interfaces = {
#PFTP Client Host Name(s)
; water = {
#Next Specification is the PFTP Daemon Host
#water has 3 specific interfaces that can talk
#to the HPSS Movers associated with the PFTP
#Daemon Host "water", as well as various
#interfaces of the form 192.2.nnn.nnn
; water = {
#Interfaces on the host specified as the Client Machine
; }
#water has ONLY 1 interface that can talk to the HPSS
#Movers associated with the PFTP Daemon Host "sneezy" ; sneezy = {
; }
#Use the default water interface,, to talk
#to any other PFTP Daemons.
;Default = {
;sneezy = {
;larry = {
;sneezy = {
#For all other Client Hosts - This allows a single HPSS.conf
#file to be available using a common files system. This is
#ONLY useful for cluster systems that specify "Common"
#interfaces for multiple # nodes of the cluster (I/O Nodes)
;Default = {
#Client Host Name
;water = {
; }
; }
D.3. Multinode Table Stanza
The HPSS PFTP Client normally forks children to provide multiple network paths between the PFTP Client and the Mover(s). In some instances, it may be preferable to have these processes (pseudo children) running on independent nodes. In this case, it is necessary to setup a multinoded daemon on the independent node/host and have the PFTP client initiate the data transfer process(es) with these child processes. The Multinode Table stanza is used to specify what remote hosts are to perform the “pseudo” PFTP Client child processes functions.
Table 14. Multinode Table Stanza Fields
HPSS Installation Guide | July 2008 |
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) | 266 |