3494 PVR
The 3494 PVR can manage an IBM 3494 tape robot attached via Ethernet or SCSI. The PVR will create a process to receive asynchronous notifications from the robot.
At least one PVR should be created for every robot managed by HPSS. If multiple 3494 robots are managed, care must be taken to ensure that the PVRs are configured to communicate with the correct /dev/lmcp devices. The PVRs can run on the same CPU or different CPUs as long as the proper /dev/lmcp devices are available.
HPSS is designed to work with IBM 3494 robots attached to an HPSS server with either AML PVR
The AML PVR is supported by special bid only.
The AML PVR can manage ADIC AML robots that use Distributed AML Server (DAS) software. The DAS AML Client Interface (ACI) operates synchronously; that is, once a request is made to the AML, the request process does not regain control until the operation has completed or terminated. Therefore, the AML PVR must create a process for each service request sent to the DAS (such as mount, dismount, eject a tape, etc.).
HPSS is designed to work with ADIC Distributed Automated Media Library Server (DAS) software version 1.3 and the ABBA Management Unit (AMU) version 2.4.0. DAS is the ADIC software which consists of the Automated Media Library (AML) Client Interface (ACI) and the DAS server components. The AMU is the host computer software by which the ADIC Storage System manages the archive database, which is based on a DB2 compatible database for an OS/2 system.
The AMU must run on a OS/2 PC host computer connected to the AML robot while the HPSS AML PVR can run on any RS/6000 workstation that has a TCP/IP connection to the OS/2 host computer. The workstation running the HPSS AML PVR must also contain the DAS/ACI software that is called by the HPSS AML PVR.
Refer to ADIC DAS Installation and Administration Guide and Reference Guide AMU for additional information. Operator PVR
The Operator PVR displays mount requests for manually mounted drives. The mount requests are displayed on the appropriate SSM screen
All of the drives in a single Operator PVR must be of the same type. Multiple operator PVRs can be configured without any additional considerations. SCSI PVR
The SCSI PVR communicates with tape libraries and robots through a generic SCSI interface. The interface uses the
HPSS Installation Guide | July 2008 |
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) | 88 |