-db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-ss /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.SS.Server.Ids \ -sub 1

%db_convert_bitfile –g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \ -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-sub 1

%db_convert_nsobject –g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \ -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-ns /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.NS.Server.Ids \ -sub 1

%db_convert_nstext –g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \ -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-sub 1

%db_convert_storagesegdisk –g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \ -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-ss /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.SS.Server.Ids \ -sub 1

%db_convert_storagesegtape -g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \ -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-ss /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.SS.Server.Ids \ -sub 1

In the above examples, the large tables are converted for subsystem 1. If the 4.5 HPSS system has more than one subsystem, run each of these programs in parallel for each subsystem to convert.

It is important to note that the long running conversion programs could take a significant amount of time to complete, and consider executing each of these programs with the nohup command. To prevent accidental loss of data, each long running conversion program will prompt for execution confirmation when first starting the program, as each of these programs empties the appropriate DB2 table (i.e. deletes metadata) at the beginning of its execution. To override the prompting, provide the - noprompt flag to each program on the command line. When using nohup, supply the -noprompt flag to prevent the program from hanging.

Here is an example of starting a long running conversion using the nohup command:

%nohup db_convert_nsobject -g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \ -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \

-ns /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.NS.Server.Ids -sub 1 \ -noprompt > nsobject.out 2>&1 &

To be able to properly restart any of the long running conversion programs, it is imperative that each long running conversion program is only terminated by sending the appropriate C program a SIGTERM or SIGINT signal. For example, to stop the bitfile conversion program, first determine the PID of the bitfile C program. To do this, issue:

% ps -eaf grep bitfile

This would provide the following output:

root 1381 1845 0 16:04:05 pts/13 0:00 lr_db_convert_bitfile ...

HPSS Installation Guide

July 2008

Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0)


Page 206
Image 206
IBM HPSS manual Hpss Installation Guide July Release 6.2 Revision 206