6.3.12. Take a full backup of SFS or DB2
This step should not be performed while the HPSS 4.5 or 5.1 system is running.
The SFS or DB2 backup should be performed on the root and each
6.3.13. Upgrade from HPSS 4.5 to HPSS 6.2
Only follow procedures in this section to convert an HPSS 4.5 system to HPSS 6.2. The conversion programs do not modify HPSS 4.5 metadata so that it is possible to revert to the HPSS 4.5 system during any point in the conversion process. Run all conversion programs as user root and ensure that root has “.” in it’s PATH. All conversion programs are located in HPSS_ROOT/bin/convert62.
•The HPSS 4.5 system must be down while the following steps are performed. Note that all 4.5 SFS server(s) must be up and running while the 4.5 metadata is being converted
•It is also mandatory that the convert steps be performed in the order shown. However, if the long running conversion utilities are run in parallel mode, the utilities themselves can be invoked in any order as long as they are run as part of the long running conversion step
The original SFS database is not altered in any way by the conversion. It is possible to revert to the
4.5HPSS code/binaries and the SFS database at any point, until HPSS is started on the 6.2 database. See Section 6.2.7: Capturing the Metadata Conversion Output on page 185. If errors occur, see Section 6.4: Metadata Conversion Troubleshooting Procedures on page 227 before contacting your HPSS customer support representative. Prior to running the scripts, ensure SFS and DB2 are running.
Perform the following steps for each root and Prepare for the Conversion
•Shutdown all 4.5 HPSS servers but leave the SFS server(s) running
•Disable DFS including
•Login as root
%su - root
•Set up scripting session to capture conversion output
%cd /opt/hpss/bin/convert62
%script convert.output Run db_convert_collect_info to Collect Metadata Information
Run the db_convert_collect_info script.
% db_convert_collect_info /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig
HPSS Installation Guide | July 2008 |
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) | 203 |