3.Review and modify (if necessary) the following fields:
•Instance Owner. The name of the DB2 instance owner, normally 'hpssdb'.
•Schema Name. The name of the DB2 schema containing the HPSS metadata table, normally 'hpss'.
•Create DB2 Instance. Select this checkbox to create the DB2 instance.
•Instance Owner Group. The UNIX group to which the Instance Owner is assigned, normally 'hpssdb'.
•Instance Owner Home Directory. The directory where the HPSS DB2 instance configuration files are stored, normally /var/hpss/hpssdb.
•Setup DB2 Authentication. Select this checkbox to setup DB2 authentication.
•DB Authorization Group for HPSS Servers. The UNIX group ID that is used to allow the HPSS servers and utilities to access the HPSS DB2 instance.
•Authentication Type. Currently there is only one authentication type allowed.
•User Name. The UNIX userid to be used for DB2 authentication.
•Password and Verify Password. Enter and verify the UNIX password for the userid entered in the User Name field.
•Create Config Database. Select this checkbox to create the "cfg" database. If this is the initial instance of HPSS and the configuration 'CFG' database has not been created, make sure the checkbox is selected.
If the 'CFG' database has already been created and you do not wish to destroy it, be sure to
•Configuration Database Alias. The "real" database is configured as 'hcfg', while the database alias is the name used by HPSS servers and utilities to reference the database. Do not change the default value.
HPSS Installation Guide | July 2008 |
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) | 153 |