Bitfile Service | Portion of the HPSS Core Server that provides a logical abstraction of bitfiles |
| to its clients. |
BMUX | Block Multiplexer Channel |
bytes between tape marks | The number of data bytes that are written to a tape virtual volume before a |
| tape mark is required on the physical media. |
CAP | Cartridge Access Port |
cartridge | A physical media container, such as a tape reel or cassette, capable of being |
| mounted on and dismounted from a drive. A fixed disk is technically |
| considered to be a cartridge because it meets this definition and can be |
| logically mounted and dismounted. |
central log | The main repository of logged messages from all HPSS servers enabled to |
| send messages to the Log Daemon. |
class | A type definition in Java. It defines a template on which objects with similar |
| characteristics can be built, and includes variables and methods specific to the |
| class. |
Class of Service | A set of storage system characteristics used to group bitfiles with similar |
| logical characteristics and performance requirements together. A Class of |
| Service is supported by an underlying hierarchy of storage classes. |
cluster | The unit of storage space allocation on HPSS disks. The smallest amount of |
| disk space that can be allocated from a virtual volume is a cluster. The size of |
| the cluster on any given disk volume is determined by the size of the smallest |
| storage segment that will be allocated on the volume, and other factors. |
configuration | The process of initializing or modifying various parameters affecting the |
| behavior of an HPSS server or infrastructure service. |
COS | Class of Service |
Core Server | An HPSS server which manages the namespace and storage for an HPSS |
| system. The Core Server manages the Name Space in which files are defined, |
| the attributes of the files, and the storage media on which the files are stored. |
| The Core Server is the central server of an HPSS system. Each storage sub- |
| system uses exactly one Core Server. |
daemon | A UNIX program that runs continuously in the background. |
DB2 | A relational database system, a product of IBM Corporation, used by HPSS to |
| store and manage HPSS system metadata. |
debug | A log record message type used to log |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation. |
delog | The process of extraction, formatting, and outputting HPSS central log |
| records. |
deregistration | The process of disabling notification to SSM for a particular attribute change. |
descriptive name | A |
HPSS Installation Guide | July 2008 |
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) | 246 |