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1/0 Ports Accessible: 2 ---> 9, 12, 13, 15, 20

---> 24, 27, 33, 34, 40, 41, 48, 50, 52, 53, 58

---> 60, 62, 63, 96 --->




Figure 4-15b. Sample I/O Permission Bit Map

4.4.5Call Ga~es

Gates provide protected, indirect CALLs. One of the major uses of gates is to provide a secure method of privilege transfers within a task. Since the operating system defines all of the gates in a system, it can ensure that all gates only allow entry into a few trust- ed procedures (such as those which allocate memo- ry, or perform I/O).

Gate descriptors follow the data access rules of priv- ilege; that is, gates can be accessed by a task if the EPL, is equal to or more privileged than the gate descriptor'sOPL. Gates follow the control transfer rules of privilege and therefore may only transfer control to a more privileged level.

Call Gates are accessed via a CALL instruction and are syntactically identical to calling a normal subrou- tine. When an inter-level 386 call gate is activated, the following actions occur.

1.Load CS:EIP from gate check for validity

2.SS is pushed zero-extended to 32 bits

3.ESP is pushed

4.Copy Word Count 32-bit parameters from the old stack to the new stack

5.Push Return address on stack

The procedure is identical for 286 Call gates, except that 16-bit parameters are copied and 16-bit regis- ters are pushed.

Interrupt Gates and Trap gates work in a similar fashion as the call gates, except there is no copying of parameters. The only difference between Trap and Interrupt gates is that control transfers through an Interrupt gate disable further interrupts (i.e. the IF bit is set to 0), and Trap gates leave the interrupt status unchanged.

4.4.6Task Switching

A very important attribute of any multi-tasking/multi- user operating systems is its ability to rapidly switch between tasks or processes. The 80386 directly supports this operation by providing a task switch

instruction in hardware. The 80386 task switch oper- ation saves the entire state of the machine (all of the registers, address space, and a link to the previous task), loads a new execution state, performs protec- tion checks, and commences execution in the new task, in about 17 microseconds. Like transfer of con- trol via gates, the task switch operation is invoked by executing an inter-segment JMP or CALL instruction which refers to a Task State Segment (TSS), or a task gate descriptor in the GOT or LOT. An INT n instruction, exception, trap, or external interrupt may also invoke the task switch operation if there is a task gate descriptor in the associated lOT descriptor slot.

The TSS descriptor points to a segment (see Figure 4-1 5) containing the entire 80386 execution state while a task gate descriptor contains a TSS selector. The 80386 supports both 286 and 386 style TSSs. Figure 4-16 shows a 286 TSS. The limit of a 386 TSS must be greater than 0064H (002BH for a 286 TSS), and can be as large as 4 Gigabytes. In the additional TSS space, the operating system is free to store additional information such as the reason the task is inactive, time the task has spent running, and open files belong to the task.

Each task must have a TSS associated with it. The current TSS is identified by a special register in the 80386 called the Task State Segment Register (TR). This register contains a selector referring to the task state segment descriptor that defines the current TSS. A hidden base and limit register associated with TR are loaded whenever TR is loaded with a new selector. Returning from a task is accomplished by the IRET instruction. When IRET is executed, control is returned to the task which was interrupted. The current executing task'sstate is saved in the TSS and the old task state is restored from its TSS.

Several bits in the flag register and machine status word (CRO) give information about the state of a task which are useful to the operating system. The Nested Task (NT) (bit 14 in EFLAGS) controls the function of the IRET instruction. If NT = 0, the IRET instruction performs the regular return; when NT = 1, IRET performs a task switch operation back to the previous task. The NT bit is set or reset in the follow- ing fashion:


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Intel 80386 manual Call Ga~es, Task Switching