








At the appropriate time, acknowledgement is sig-



nalled by asserting the 80386 READY # input.



The 80386 can relinquish control of its local buses



to allow mastership by other devices, such as direct

The 80386 features a straightforward functional in-

memory access channels. When relinquished, HLDA

terface to the external hardware. The 80386 has

is the only output pin driven by the 80386, providing

separate, parallel buses for data and address. The

near-complete isolation of the processor from its

data bus is 32-bits in width, and bidirectional. The

system. The near-complete isolation characteristic is

address bus outputs 32-bit address values in the

ideal when driving the system from test equipment,

most directly usable form for the high-speed local

and in fault-tolerant applications.

bus: 4 individual byte enable signals, and the 30 up-

Functional data covered in this chapter describes

per-order bits as a binary value. The data and ad-

dress buses are interpreted and controlled with their

the processor'shardware interface. First, the set of

associated control signals.


signals available at the processor pins is described



(see 5.2 Signal Description). Following that are the

A dynamic data bus sizing feature allows the proc-

signal waveforms occurring during bus cycles (see

essor to handle a mix of 32- and 16-bit external bus-

5.3 Bus Transfer Mechanism, 5.4 Bus Functional

es on a cycle-by-cycle basis (see 5.3.4 Data Bus

Description and 5.5 Other Functional Descrip-

Sizing). If 16-bit bus size is selected, the 80386 au-




tomatically makes any adjustment needed, even




performing another 16-bit bus cycle to complete the


transfer if that is necessary. 8-bit peripheral devices

may be connected to 32-bit or 16-bit buses with no




loss of performance. A new address pipelining op·




tion is provided and applies to 32-bit and 16-bit bus-


es for substantially improved memory utilization, es-

Ahead is a brief description of the 80386 input and

pecially for the most heavily used memory resourc-



output signals arranged by functional groups. Note


the # symbol at the end of a signal name indicates



The address pipelining option, when selected, typ-

the active, or asserted, state occurs when the signal

is at a low Voltage. When no # is present after the

ically allows a given memory interface to operate

signal name, the signal is asserted when at the high

with one less wait state than would otherwise be

required (see 5.4.2 Address Pipelining). The pipe-

voltage level.


lined bus is also well suited to interleaved memory

Example signal: M/IO# -

High voltage indicates

designs. For 16 MHz interleaved memory designs



Memory selected

with 100 ns access time DRAMs, zero wait states



Low voltage indicates

can be achieved when pipelined addressing is se-




1/0 selected

lected. When address pipelining is requested by the






external hardware, the 80386 will output the address

The signal descriptions sometimes refer to AC tim-

and bus cycle definition of the next bus cycle (if it is

ing parameters, such as "t25 Reset Setup Time" and

internally available) even while waiting for the cur-

"t26 Reset Hold Time." The values of these parame-

rent cycle to be acknowledged.



ters can be found in Tables 7-4 and 7-5.



Non-pipelined address timing, however, is ideal for




external cache designs, since the cache memory will


Clock (CLK2)


typically be fast enough to allow non-pipelined cy-





cles. For maximum design flexibility, the address

CLK2 provides the fundamental timing for the

pipelining option is selectable on a cycle-by-cycle

80386. It is divided by two internally to generate the




internal processor clock used for instruction execu-



The processor'sbus cycle

is the basic mechanism

tion. The internal clock is comprised of two phases,

"phase one" and "phase two." Each CLK2 period is

for information transfer, either from system to proc-

a phase of the internal clock. Figure 5-2 illustrates

essor, or from processor to system. 80386 bus cy-

the relationship. If desired, the phase of the internal

cles perform data transfer in a minimum of only two

processor clock can be synchronized to a known

clock periods. On a 32-bit data bus, the maximum

phase by ensuring the RESET signal falling edge

80386 transfer bandwidth at 16 MHz is therefore 32

meets its applicable setup and hold times, t25 and

Mbytes/sec. Any bus cycle will be extended for


more than two clock periods, however, if external


hardware withholds acknowledgement of the cycle.



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Intel 80386 manual Introduction, Clock CLK2