cal space of the machine, 4 Gbytes (232 bytes). In Real Address Mode, the maximum segment size is fixed at 64 Kbytes (216 bytes).

The six segments addressable at any given moment are defined by the segment registers CS, SS, OS, ES, FS and GS. The selector in CS indicates the current code segment; the selector in SS indicates the current stack segment; the selectors in OS, ES, FS and GS indicate the current data segments.

2.3.5 Segment Descriptor Registers

The segment descriptor registers are not program- mer visible, yet it is very useful to understand their content. Inside the 80386, a descriptor register (pro- grammer invisible) is associated with each program- mer-visible segment register, as shown by Figure 2-

4.Each descriptor register holds a 32-bit segment base address, a 32-bit segment limit, and the other necessary segment attributes.

When a selector value is loaded into a segment reg- ister, the associated descriptor register is automati- cally updated with the correct information. In Real Address Mode, only the base address is updated directly (by shifting the selector value four bits to the left), since the segment maximum limit and attributes are fixed in Real Mode. In Protected Mode, the base address, the limit, and the attributes are all updated per the contents of the segment descriptor indexed by the selector.

2.3.6 Control Registers

The 80386 has three control registers of 32 bits, CRO, CR2 and CR3, to hold machine state of a glob- al nature (not specific to an individual task). These registers, along with System Address Registers de- scribed in the next section, hold machine state that affects all tasks in the system. To access the Con- trol Registers, load and store instructions are de- fined.

CRO: Machine Control Register (includes 80286 Machine Status Word)

CRO, shown in Figure 2-5, contains 6 defined bits for control and status purposes. The low-order 16 bits of CRO are also known as the Machine Status Word, MSW, for compatibility with 80286 Protected Mode. LMSW and SMSW instructions are taken as special aliases of the load and store CRO operations, where only the low-order 16 bits of CRO are involved. For compatibility with 80286 operating systems the 80386's LMSW instructions work in an identical fashion to the LMSW instruction on the 80286. (Le. It only operates on the low-order l6-bits of CRO and it ignores the new bits in CRO.) New 80386 operating systems should use the MOV CRO, Reg instruction.

The defined CRO bits are described below.

PG (Paging Enable, bit 31)

the PG bit is set to enable the on-chip paging unit. It is reset to disable the on-chip paging unit.

Whenever a memory reference occurs, the segment

ET (Processor Extension Type, bit 4)

descriptor register associated with the segment be-

ET indicates the processor extension type (ei-

ing used is automatically involved with the memory

ther 80287 or 80387) as detected by the level

reference. The 32-bit segment base address be-

of the ERROR# input following 80386 reset.

comes a component of the linear address calcula-

The ET bit may also be set or reset by loading

tion, the 32-bit limit is used for the limit-check opera-

CRO under program control if desired. If ET is

tion, and the attributes are checked against the type

set, the 80387-compatible 32-bit protocol is

of memory reference requested.

used. If ET is reset, 80287-compatible 16-bit



protocol is used.


Note that for strict 80286 compatibility, ET is


not affected by the LMSW instruction. When


the MSW or CRO is stored, bit 4 accurately re-


flects the current state of the ET bit.







NOTE: f':;~~\Iindicates Intel reserved: Do not define; SEE SECTION 2.3.10

Figure 2-5.Control Register 0


Page 72
Image 72
Intel 80386 manual Segment Descriptor Registers, Control Registers, Flects the current state of the ET bit, Msw