
80386 I/O cycles automatically generated for co- processor communication do not require BS16# be asserted. The coprocessor type, 80287 or 80387, is sensed on the ERROR# input shortly after the faIl- ing edge of RESET. The 80386 transfers only 16-bit quantities between itself and the 80287, but must transfer 32-bit quantities between itself and the 80387. Therefore, BS16# is a don'tcare during 80287 cycles and must not be asserted during 80387 communication cycles.

5.2.7 Bus Arbitration Signals INTRODUCTION

This section describes the mechanism by which the processor relinquishes control of its local buses when requested by another bus master device. See

5.5.1Entering and Exiting Hold Acknowledge for additional information. BUS HOLD REQUEST (HOLD)

This input indicates some device other than the 80386 requires bus mastership.

HOLD must remain asserted as long as any other device is a local bus master. HOLD is not recognized while RESET is asserted. If RESET is asserted while HOLD is asserted, RESET has priority and places the bus into an idle state, rather than the hold ac- knowledge (high impedance) state.

HOLD is level-sensitive and is a synchronous input. HOLD signals must always meet setup and hold times t23 and t24 for correct operation. BUS HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE (HLDA)

Assertion of this output indicates the 80386 has re- linquished control of its local bus in response to HOLD asserted, and is in the bus Hold Acknowledge state.

The Hold Acknowledge state offers near-complete signal isolation. In the Hold Acknowledge state, HLDA is the only signal being driven by the 80386. The other output signals or bidirectional signals (00-031, BEO#-BE3#, A2-A31, W/R#, D/C#, M/IO#, LOCK# and ADS#) are in a high-imped- ance state so the requesting bus master may control them. Pullup resistors may be desired on several sig- nals to avoid spurious activity when no bus master is driving them. See 7.2.3 Resistor Recommenda- tions. Also, one rising edge occuring on the NMI input during Hold Ac!mowledge is remembered, for processing after the HOLD input is negated.

In addition to the normal usage of Hold Acknowl- edge with DMA controllers or master peripherals, the near-complete isolation has particular attractive- ness during system test when test equipment drives the system, and in hardware-fault-tolerant applica- tions.

5.2.8Coprocessor Interface Signals

In the following sections are descriptions of signals dedicated to the numeric coprocessor interface. In addition to the data bus, address bus, and bus cycle definition signals, these following signals control communication between the 80386 and its 80287 or 80387 processor extension. REQUEST (PEREQ)

When asserted, this input signal indicates a coproc- essor request for a data operand to be transferred to/from memory by the 80386. In response, the 80386 transfers information between the coproces- sor and memory. Because the 80386 has internally stored the coprocessor opcode being executed, it performs the requested data transfer with the cor- rect direction and memory address.

PEREQ is level-sensitive and is allowed to be asyn- chronous to the CLK2 signal. COPROCESSOR BUSY (BUSY#)

When asserted, this input indicates the coprocessor is still executing an instruction, and is not yet able to accept another. When the 80386 encounters any coprocessor instruction which operates on the nu- meric stack (e.g. load, pop, or arithmetic operation), or the WAIT instruction, this input is first automatical- ly sampled until it is seen to be negated. This sam- pling of the BUSY# input prevents overrunning the execution of a previous coprocessor instruction.

The FNINIT and FNCLEX coprocessor instructions are allowed to execute even if BUSY # is asserted; since these instructions are used for coprocessor initialization and exception-clearing.

BUSY # is level-sensitive and is allowed to be asyn- chronous to the CLK2 signal.

BUSY # serves an additional function. If BUSY # is sampled LOW at the falling edge of RESET, the 80386 performs an internal self-test (see 5.5.3 Bus Activity During and Following Reset). If BUSY # is sampled HIGH, no self-test is performed.


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Intel 80386 manual Bus Arbitration Signals, Coprocessor Interface Signals