The 1/0 ports are accessed via the IN and OUT 1/0 instructions, with the port address supplied as an immediate 8-bit constant in the instruction or in the OX register. All 8- and 16-bit port addresses are zero extended on the upper address lines. The 1/0 in- structions cause the M/IO# pin to be driven low.

1/0 port addresses 00F8H through OOFFH are re- served for use by Intel.


2.9. i Interrupts and E}(cep~ions

Interrupts and exceptions alter the normal program flow, in order to handle external events, to report errors or exceptional conditions. The difference be- tween interrupts and exceptions is that interrupts are used to handle asynchronous external events while exceptions handle instruction faults. Although a pro- gram can generate a software interrupt via an INT N instruction, the processor treats software interrupts as exceptions.

Hardware interrupts occur as the result of an exter- nal event and are classified into two types: maskable or non-maskable. Interrupts are serviced after the execution of the current instruction. After the inter- rupt handler is finished servicing the interrupt, exe- cution proceeds with the instruction immediately after the interrupted instruction. Sections 2.9.3 and

2.9.4discuss the differences between Maskable and Non-Maskable interrupts.

Exceptions are classified as faults, traps, or aborts depending on the way they are reported, and wheth- er or not restart of the instruction causing the excep- tion is supported. Faults are exceptions that are de- tected and serviced before the execution of the faulting instruction. A fault would occur in a virtual memory system, when the processor referenced a page or a segment which was not present. The oper- ating system would fetch the page or segment from disk, and then the 80386 would restart the instruc- tion. Traps are exceptions that are reported immedi- ately after the execution of the instruction which caused the problem. User defined interrupts are ex- amples of traps. Aborts are exceptions which do not permit the precise location of the instruction causing the exception to be determined. Aborts are used to report severe errors, such as a hardware error, or illegal values in system tables.

Thus, when an interrupt service routine has been completed, execution proceeds from the instruction immediately following the interrupted instruction. On the other hand, the return address from an excep- tion fault routine will always point at the instruction causing the exception and include any leading in- struction prefixes. Table 2-5 summarizes the possi- ble interrupts for the 80386 and shows where the return address points.

The 80386 has the ability to handle up to 256 differ- ent interruptslexceptions. In order to service the in- terrupts, a table with up to 256 interrupt vectors must be defined. The interrupt vectors are simply pointers to the appropriate interrupt service routine. In Real Mode (see section 3.1), the vectors are 4 byte quantities, a Code Segment plus a 16-bit offset; in Protected Mode, the interrupt vectors are 8 byte quantities, which are put in an Interrupt Descriptor Table (see section 4.1). Of the 256 possible inter- rupts, 32 are reserved for use by Intel, the remaining 224 are free to be used by the system designer.

2.9.2 Interrupt Processing

When an interrupt occurs the following actions hap- pen. First, the current program address and the Flags are saved on the stack to allow resumption of the interrupted program. Next, an 8-bit vector is sup- plied to the 80386 which identifies the appropriate entry in the interrupt table. The table contains the starting address of the interrupt service routine. Then, the user supplied interrupt service routine is executed. Finally, when an IRET instruction is exe- cuted the old processor state is restored and pro- gram execution resumes at the appropriate instruc- tion.

The 8-bit interrupt vector is supplied to the 80386 in several different ways: exceptions supply the inter- rupt vector internally; software INT instructions con- tain or imply the vector; maskable hardware inter- rupts supply the 8-bit vector via the interrupt ac- knowledge bus sequence. Non-Maskable hardware interrupts are assigned to interrupt vector 2.

2.9.3 Maskable Interrupt

Maskable interrupts are the most common way used by the 80386 to respond to asynchronous external hardware events. A hardware interrupt occurs when the INTR is pulled high and the Interrupt Flag bit (IF) is enabled. The processor only responds to inter- rupts between instructions, (REPeat String instruc-


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Intel 80386 manual Interrupts and Ecep~ions, Interrupt Processing, Maskable Interrupt