Intel® NetStructureTMZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Sensor Types
10.0Sensor Types
The CMM provides access to and can log events from different IPMI sensor types. These sensors can be threshold based sensors or discrete sensors, depending on the type of reading and events they generate. For more information on sensors and sensor types, refer to the Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification v1.5.
10.1Threshold-Based Sensors
Threshold based sensors are sensors that generate or change an event status based on comparing a current value to a threshold value for a given hardware monitor device. Examples of threshold based sensors are temperature, voltage, and fan tachometer sensors.
10.1.1Threshold-Based Sensor Events
Upper | > Critical Event | ||
Upper | >Major Event | ||
Upper | >Minor Event | ||
Lower | >Minor Event | ||
Lower | >Major Event | ||
Lower | >Critical Event |
10.2Discrete Sensors
Discrete sensors are sensors that have a predefined set of states. An examples of a discrete sensor would be board presence, where a board is either present or not present.
10.2.1Discrete Sensor Events
Discrete sensors can generate events on state changes. The severity of the event is determined by the CMM. Discrete sensor events for the CMM are located in the next section, Chapter 11.0, “Health Event Strings”.
Technical Product Specification | 65 |