Intel® NetStructureTMZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Updating Software
To determine if the update is a new, old or same version, the update package will contain a version_history file which contains a list of all software builds that have occurred, listed in sequential order. Newer builds are at the bottom of the list.
25.4.3Component Versioning
The components contained in the update package will contain versioning information which will allow the update process to ensure the updated components installed on the CMM are all compatible at the end of an update and match those contained in the update package.
If an update package contains a component version that is already installed on the CMM, then that component will not be updated. A method is also provided to force all components to update regardless of the version installed.
Version info for files currently installed on the CMM will be able to be obtained through the various interfaces and is stored in the /etc/cmm/versions file. Version info for the files in the update package will also be made available.
The CMM checks the md5sum of /etc/versions during boot. In the event that the checksum fails, the CMM applications will fail to start and a message will appear on the console as follows “Startup of CMM applications has terminated due to detection of an inconsistent software load.” This functionality exists to prevent a CMM with an incorrect /etc/versions file, which may have occurred during an incomplete update, from synchronizing incorrectly with the other CMM.
25.5saveList and Data Preservation
The update process will preserve user configuration data as well as critical system configuration information across updates. These files are located in the /etc directory. The list of files or directories to be preserved across updates is contained in the software update package and is called SaveList. Each entry in the saveList will contain a directory or file to be saved as well as a priority assigned to it. Priority for the file can be either a 1 or a 2, and is used to determine if certain files or directories should be saved when updating to an earlier firmware version.
Priority 1 is assigned to files or directories that should be saved in all cases of an update, including going forward or backward in firmware version. Priority 1 files are considered files critical to the CMM operation and access to the CMM, such as Ethernet configuration.
Priority 2 is assigned to files or directories which should not be saved if an update is being performed to an earlier version of firmware.
During an update, the CMM will copy over the current files in /etc to ram disk in /usr/local/cmm/temp/update/etc. The CMM then uses the saveList file to determine which configuration files or directories to copy back into the new /etc partition. When updating to a previous version of firmware, the CMM makes a backup of any files designated priority 2 in the save list to flash in the /home/update/backup/etc directory.
Table 53. saveList Items and Their Priorities (Sheet 1 of 2)
File | Priority |
/etc/*.cfg | 2 |
/etc/*.ini | 2 |
/etc/cmm/*.ent | 2 |
130 | Technical Product Specification |