Complete Hardware Guide for EX8208 Ethernet Switches
NOTE: The default serial console speed is 9600 baud.
To change the serial console speed:
1.Power on the switch. (If the switch is an EX8208 or EX8216 model, see “Powering On an EX8200 Switch” on page 180.) The loader script starts.
2.You are prompted with:
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or space bar for command prompt.
Press the Spacebar to pause the switch in the loader state (after the Junos OS has loaded on the switch but before the software starts).
The loader> prompt appears.
3.Set the baud rate:
loader> set baudrate=115200
Press Enter.
4.Press Enter when you see the following message:
Switch baud rate to 115200 bps and press Enter.
The loader> prompt reappears.
5.Save the new serial console speed: loader> save
Press Enter. The serial console speed is now set to 115200 baud.
6.Boot the software: loader> boot
The boot process proceeds as normal and ends with a login prompt.
Configuring the Modem
Before you connect the modem, you must configure the modem with required port settings.
To configure the modem:
1.Connect the modem to the desktop or notebook computer.
2.Power on the modem.
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