Chapter 19: Installation and Maintenance Safety Information
heavier back end. The person lifting from the back must be aware of this behavior and be braced to prevent the chassis from tipping over.
•Before lifting or moving the switch, disconnect all external cables and wires.
•Do not grasp the switch by the blue panel at the top front of the chassis. Doing so can cause the panel to detach from the switch.
•If you are lifting the EX8208 switch, as when lifting any heavy object, ensure that most of the weight is borne by your legs rather than your back. Keep your knees bent and your back relatively straight. Do not twist your body as you lift. Balance the load evenly among the people lifting the switch and be sure that your footing is firm.
Related Topics • General Safety Guidelines and Warnings for EX Series Switches on page 263
•Installation Instructions Warning for EX Series Switches on page 275
•Mounting an EX8208 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet on page 138
•Mounting an EX8216 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet
Ramp Warning for EX Series Switches
WARNING: When installing the switch, do not use a ramp inclined at more than 10 degrees.
Waarschuwing Gebruik een oprijplaat niet onder een hoek van meer dan 10 graden.
Varoitus Älä käytä sellaista kaltevaa pintaa, jonka kaltevuus ylittää 10 astetta.
Attention Ne pas utiliser une rampe dont l'inclinaison est supérieure à 10 degrés.
Warnung Keine Rampen mit einer Neigung von mehr als 10 Grad verwenden.
Avvertenza Non usare una rampa con pendenza superiore a 10 gradi.
Advarsel Bruk aldri en rampe som heller mer enn 10 grader.
Aviso Não utilize uma rampa com uma inclinação superior a 10 graus.
¡Atención! No usar una rampa inclinada más de 10 grados
Varning! Använd inte ramp med en lutning på mer än 10 grader.
Related Topics • General Safety Guidelines and Warnings for EX Series Switches on page 263
•Laser and LED Safety Guidelines and Warnings for EX Series Switches on page 269
•Installation Instructions Warning for EX Series Switches on page 275
•Grounded Equipment Warning for EX Series Switches on page 282
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