4: Configuration Using Web Manager
2. Enter or modify the following fields:
Encrypt Key | Enter the value for each byte. From the |
| select the format for the byte as either character, |
| hexadecimal, or decimal notation. All trailing bytes not |
| specified are set to 0. |
Decrypt Key | Enter the value for each byte of the decrypt key. From the |
| |
| character, hexadecimal, or decimal notation. All trailing bytes |
| not specified are set to 0. |
3. Click Submit. Changes are applied immediately to the XPort AR.
Configurable Pin Manager
The XPort AR has 11 Configurable Pins (CPs). CPs can be grouped together using the Configurable Pin Manager (CPM). Each CP is associated to an external hardware pin. CPs can trigger an outside event (such as sending an email message or starting Command Mode).
CPM: Configurable Pins
To configure the XPort AR’s CPs:
1.Click CPM Æ CPs from the navigation menu. The CPM: CPs window displays.
Figure 4-23. CPM: CPs
2. The Current Configuration table displays the current settings for each CP:
XPort AR User Guide | 38 |